Italian Oyster

(pleurotus pulmonarius)

Health Benefits

Possesses polysaccharides, beta-glucan, dietary fiber, and cancer fighting compounds.

Taste & Texture

Faintly sweet flavor, aroma has slight seafood undertones, and texture is velvety and tender.

Harvest Info

Fruiting stage takes 5-10 days before harvest and stored up to 5 days in the refrigerator.

Grow Tips

Prefers Maple, Oak, and Oak & Soy Hull substrate. Temp at 60-80° F and humidity of over 90%.


Coming Soon!

Italian Oyster mushrooms will soon be available. Contact Us to pre-order liquid culture and sterilized, inoculated mushroom blocks.

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Grow Specialty Mushrooms

Start at the final stage of mushroom cultivation with fully colonized blocks

100% Natural Wood
Organic Substrates
Harvest Boosting Substrates

100% Natural Wood

Organic Substrates

Harvest Boosting Substrates

Commercial Grade
Mushroom Blocks
Ready To Grow

Commercial Grade

Mushroom Blocks

Ready To Grow

Commercial Grade
Micron Filter Bags
Micron Filter – Autoclave – Gusset

Commercial Grade

Micron Filter Bags

Micron Filter – Autoclave – Gusset

Nutrition Facts

Health Benefits

Mushroom Recipes
















Master’s Mix Substrate

Made with 100% Pure Maple & Farm Fresh Soy Hulls

Italian Oyster

Rising In Popularity

Pleurotus pulmonarius is yet another oyster mushroom that has taken the spotlight in many kitchens across North America. It is also known as the Phoenix, Indian, or Lung mushroom based on the appearance of a fully mature pleurotus pulmonarius (pulmonarius is Latin for lungs). Most mushrooms require oxygen to live and they emit carbon dioxide during the exchange but that’s not how this mushroom got its name. The Italian oyster mushroom simply looks very similar to a lung and for obvious reasons these mushrooms are usually sold using the names Italian, Phoenix, or Indian mushrooms.

The Italian oyster mushrooms are cultivated commercially around the world and are one of the most important components of Chinese medicines. The mushrooms are sometimes dried and crushed and used as medicinal ingredients for a wide variety of health products. The scientific studies on pleurotus pulmonarius in particular are rare and actual health data on this species is not extensive. However, we are still taking about mushrooms which just happen to be the healthiest vegetable on the planet so there is no doubting the power packed into Italian oyster mushrooms. The question is not, do Italian oyster mushrooms provide health benefits? The question is, how many health benefits do Italian oyster mushrooms provide?

Much like their oyster mushroom cousins, Italian oyster mushrooms possess anticancer fighting compounds like selenium, choline, and folate. Italian oysters are loaded with vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and vitamin B3 (niacin) that will help to boost your immune system. Eating a one cup serving of cooked Italian oyster mushrooms will provide 8% of your recommended daily intake of amino acids, vitamin C, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and magnesium. So there is no need to wait for blazing headlines of scientific breakthroughs announcing, ‘Italian oyster mushrooms provide just as many health benefits as other oyster mushrooms.’ Instead, take what we already know about the health benefits of oyster mushrooms, grab a good handful of Italian oyster mushrooms, and make one heck of a deliciously healthy dish.


Top Quality Mushroom Bags

0.2 & 0.5 Microns available in multiple sizes

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(226) 341-6002

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